Wednesday, October 17, 2012

28 weeks pregnant!

Yay for the 3rd trimester and month number 7! I really can't believe the 3rd trimester is already here! The first trimester definitely went by super slow but I feel like the 2nd just flew by! Crazy to think she will be here in 11 weeks (yes, I'm only counting until 39 wks because our Dr will induce then if she's not already here to save us from an insurance deductible restarting Jan 1st!)

Baby Growth: Kynslie is weighing in at a whopping 2 ½ lbs this week and she is about 15 inches long. Most of her energy right now is just focused on growing bigger! Since her eyes opened last week, sometime this week she should start practicing her blinking. Her bone structure is also now strong enough to support her tiny little body.  Her joints have not fused together yet – this will help keep her be nice and flexible for delivery. She’s also developing her first stool this week, but it should stay in his digestive tract until after she’s born.

My Symptoms: I'm starting to feel SO exhausted again, kinda like I felt in the first trimester! The midwife at the doctor's office told me to expect to be feeling like I was run over by a bus again this last part of pregnancy, fantastic! :)  I'm still getting worn out super easily from doing normal stuff. My crazy nerve pain has actually not felt near as bad this week! I don't know if it's because I was wearing a smaller bra that didn't really come in close contact with the spot or because it's going away, but either way, I'm good with it!
I've also just started getting hot flashes! These are no fun because it made me feel like I was going to pass out when I was in therapy at a daycare one morning this week! I'm just trying to keep my water with me everywhere I go and stay hydrated when I feel a flash coming on!
Weight: I gained another 4 pounds since I had been to the doctor last, so now I'm at a total of 23 pounds, yikes! Even if I gain a pound a week from here on out, that would put me at a total of 34 pounds which isn't terrible I guess.
Belly Picture:

Here she is without clothes hiding her, she's defintiely popped out now!

Gender: GIRL!!!

Maternity Clothes: As I'm getting bigger, my selections have gotten more limited! Especially for events and things I need to wear dresses for. My scrubs are also becoming more limited. I've had to retire several of my scrub tops because they are entirely too tight and uncomfortable now. Before long, it may be an oversized tshirt and scrub pants to get me through the day! haha 

Movement: I love feeling this baby move around! It's so funny though because everyone was wanting to feel her move at our shower this weekend and they would put their hands on my belly for a while and she would do nothing but the minute they stopped trying, she would be up to moving around again! I guess she doesn't like people cramping her style! Sure enough, the minute I got home and got in the bed (which was WAY past my bed time that night) she was having a dance party!

Sleep: Well, literally a day before my third trimester started, I began to have to get up and use the bathroom at 3am! And it's been like that every night since so I guess long gone are the days of enjoing full nights sleeps!

What I MissLooking the way I want to in clothes and having so many options to choose from! I hate being so limited in what I wear now!

What I’m Looking Forward To: We scheduled our 3d ultrasound for this Friday afternoon and I'm so excited to see her! We haven't seen her since 22 weeks so I can't wait to see how much she's grown and hopefully get a glimpse of what her sweet little face is going to look like!

Cravings: Nothing really but I do still love my Chick fil A breakfasts once in a while!

Best Moment of the Week: Our shower on Saturday! The hostesses did such an awesome job decorationg and making everything perfect! (post to come about the shower). We had so much fun and it was so great seeing so many of our family and friends. We also got some great things for Kynslie and some super cute clothes for her! I can't wait to dress her up!!!!

Questions or Concerns: Nothing in general since we just had an appointment Friday and we go back every 2 weeks now! But I have been feeling nervous about her coming early. I don't know why, I guess I'm just scared of her having to be in the NICU and not being able to develop everything she needs. I'm so thankful everyday further we make it! I've been praying about this because I know this fear is not from God so I've been asking for this worry to be taken away so I can enjoy these last few months with my baby girl! 

Goals for the Week: Call and schedule our epidural class, this is not something I want to postpone because I don't pretend to be a tough girl when it comes to that kind of pain! Also, Merlin started refinishing Kynslie's dresser yesterday so I can't wait until it is finished and we can put all her little clothes away! He's been sanding away and doing a great job!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Can't wait to see her dresser! And no worries-I know God has little Lola in His hands :)
