Thursday, September 27, 2012

25 weeks pregnant!

So, I survived the glucose test!!!! And honestly, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected it to be. I had heard such terrible stories of how awful it was so I was expecting the absolute worst. It was only a tiny cup that I had to drink and it just reminded me of an overly sweet and tart orange Gatorade. The worst part was having to wait for an hour, trying to keep it down because it was making me naseous since I had an empty stomach. I saw Dr. Sharons' midwife this week because he was out in surgery and she was super sweet and answered lots of random questions for me. She also measured my belly and it's right on track for what it should be. Kynslie's heartbeat was 154 this visit so she was being very active at the appointmenet!

Baby Growth: This week baby Kynslie is measuring in at about 13.5 inches and weighs about 1.5 lbs. All of her spine structures (vertebrae, joints, and ligaments) are all coming into place. This means that she is now able to support her body weight. She is also to make brainwave patterns – meaning that she is starting to gain a memory. The good thing about this is that not only can she hear our voices, now she can start to recognize and remember them! Which is so cool to me to know that when she is born, she already knows who mama and daddy are!  Lastly, all of the intricate details of her hands and fingers are now 100% complete!

My Symptoms: Same ole, same ole...the nerve pain is becoming more constant throughout the day. I've discovered my worst days are on Mondays when I have been able to rest over the weekend and then hit the ground running hard at the beginning of the week. This week, I also switched out my hard back chair at work for a more comfortable office chair that I can recline back in and stretch out so that has definitely helped my back and nerve pain. I asked the midwife about the nerve pain I was having and she said it was totally normal as long as it doesn't radiate to my shoulder or arm (that would mean its a gallbaldder issue). I've also started laying down in the bed on my lunch break, after I eat, and stretching out to give that pain a break for a few minutes. This has seemed to help me make it through the second half of my day without as much pain.

Weight: I had gained 2.5 pounds since my last doctor visit (3 weeks ago) so I'm up to a total of 19 pounds. By now, its normal to have gained between 16-22 pounds so I'm right on track although I feel like I'm much bigger than I should be. The midwife said that even if I gain a pound a week from here on out, that would put me at a total of 35 pounds and she would be happy with that.

Belly Picture: I was slack this week and forgot to do a sticker picture. But my wonderful photographers came to town to do a photo shoot with me and the hubs so I have WAY better belly pictures this week then I could ever do!

Love, love, love this one!!!!!


Gender: GIRL!!!! Although, I had a dream this week that I had the baby and it was a boy! It totally freaked me out because in the dream, we had no clothes for him and his nursery was all for a girl! It was the weirdest dream but felt SO real!

Maternity Clothes: Finally starting to wear mostly maternity clothes except for my scrubs. I raided another friends closet this week and got more jeans, comfy pants, tops, and some dresses so hopefully this will get my by the rest of the pregnancy without having to spend much more money on maternity clothes.

Movement: This girl can move!!! She is starting to move more during the day too. At night is still her favorite time to be most active. She makes my whole belly move from the outside and it is so cool to watch. It's getting now where my stomach almost looks distorted because she will be pressing up on one side and making it really hard. We can feel body parts now, just as hard spots though, not really able to tell if it's a head or a butt :) She's finally moving alot more for her daddy now too! He was feeling my belly last night and talking to her and she kicked right as he was talking, too sweet! She's going to have him wrapped in no time :)

Sleep – I've still been getting good rest at night. I toss and turn throughout the night but it's not keeping me up at all!

What I Miss: Still just being comfortable doing the normal things I always do! It's so weird getting winded on just doing simple things around the house and being uncomfortable in my own skin!

What I’m Looking Forward To: We are going to Athens this weekend for the GA/TN game and I can't wait to hang out with the bro and sis-in law and see their new house! Also, Merlin has finals this week and will be out of school for 2 weeks before his next quarter starts and he is planning on finishing painting the nursery. So I'm really looking forward to getting the walls finished so it can start coming together!

Cravings: No really weird or interesting cravings this week! I just want to eat ALL the time!

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing our sweet baby moving around so much this week and seeing her kick when Merlin was talking to her. Feeling her move truly is, by far, the best part of pregnancy!  Also, I had so much fun taking some maternity pics with my sis and bro in law!

My Questions or Concerns: I'm assuming my glucose test came back normal becuase I haven't heard anything and their policy is no news is good news!  They said the results should come back by Monday and since today is Thursday, I'm hoping I'm in the clear! I don't really have any other concerns since we just had our visit and we will go back in 2 more weeks from tomorrow.

Goals for the WeekFor the next two weeks, the goal will be to get the nursery finished up now that Merlin will have time! Can't wait to see the chevron wall done and her dresser painted!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

24 weeks pregnant!

Baby Growth: This week Baby Kynslie is measuring in over a pound and right around 12 inches long. Sections of her lungs are expanding and starting to produce lung surfactant. This stuff helps keep the lungs from collapsing after birth/ This week she is also considered a viable baby. This means that if  she were to be born right now, she has a fairly good chance at survival (about 50%). Brain development is also starting to spike again this week and she is learning how to coordinate things like heart rhythm, breathing, kidney function, and circulation. This is also when she is starting to gain fat and putting on some cute little rolls. Eyebrows and eyelashes are also recognizable at this point. Hiccupping is getting more common and she is stretching often now. She is also starting to hear completely.
My Symptoms: This belly is definitely growing! It's getting harder for me to do common things that I'm used to like putting on my shoes. I have to sit down and cross my leg to put my tennis shoes on. I'm noticing discomfort too when I bend over to pick up a toy or something that a child drops on the floor at work.
I can now tell that work days seriously wear me out! By lunch time and early afternoon, I'm pretty spent. My back was hurting so bad today that Merlin had to bring my heating pad to my office to give me some relief! Any short breaks that I have in my day between patients, I try to lay down on our couch at the office and stretch out to feel good for a few minutes and finish my day. The most pain I deal with though, is still the nerve pain on my right side. It is really getting unbearable at the end of the day. It still doesn't matter how I reposition myself, nothing feels good unless I lay down or lift my right boob up (weird, I know, but these big girls don't help with the pressure they are putting on that spot!)

Weight: I weighed at the gym this morning and still showing up 16 pounds total.

Belly Pictures:


Gender: Sweet baby girl!

Maternity Clothes: Well the days of wearing my regular clothes are slowly coming to an end! I had a baby shower to go to this past weekend and I thought there would be no problem finding something to wear, I would just pull out my normal "shower dresses" and throw one on. Boy was I wrong! Clearly I haven't tried them on in a while because they were so tight across my chest and my belly and came up so short in the front that it was not a pretty sight! So, a maxi it was! I can still wear most of my scrubs but some are getting a little too snug and I've started pulling out my maternity scrub tops Kim gave me that she wore when she was pregnant. I bought a pair of skinny jeans and I've been getting good use out of those already, they are the most comfortable jeans that I have so far!

Movement: She is still definitely moving alot now! I'm starting to be able to feel body parts when shes moves and kicks. One side of my belly will get really hard and when I push in on it, you can tell it's her just hanging out. Normally she will poke or kick me back, so I guess I'm bothering her! But I absolutely love this feeling and watching her move around on the outside too, it's so amazing. Although she has been kicking pretty low this week and I think sometimes she steps on my bladder and I have to rush to the bathroom! haha!

Sleep: We have had to start turning the air down and I've been sleeping shirtless because I had been getting so hot. When I would wake up in the middle of the night to go potty, I would be drenched in sweat so something had to be done! Sleep is my favorite part of the day because I feel my best laying down in the bed with my big, comfy maternity pillow! I still wake up on my back, even when I'm not aware. Merlin woke up in the middle of the night this week and said that I was on my back, but he's so sweet and didnt' want to disturb me so he didn't wake me up to get me to turn (although I would like him to because it still freaks me out!).

What I Miss: Not hurting all afternoon at work! Its so hard to be overly energetic for my kiddos at work when I'm feeling that way so I'm defintiely ready for that to be back to normal!

What I’m Looking Forward To: We have our 10 year class reunion this weekend so that should be fun/interesting! Also looking forward to doing some couple maternity pics this weekend since our awesome photogs will be in town!

Cravings: Egg and cheese biscuit from Chick-fil-A!!!!! I literally battled with myself Saturday because I wanted one so bad but knew I didn't "need" it. So I went back and forth that morning until I finally just ate some plain, boring oatmeal at home. So, after my doctors appointment and glucose test this Friday, my reward will be Chick-fil-A breakfast! Yummmm!!!!

Best Moment of the Week: Spending all day Sunday relaxing with the hubs! We stayed home practically all day because our poor little pup was so sick and throwing up and wouldn't eat or drink and I was scared to leave him because he was so weak (which was my least favorite moment of the week). But it was nice because it made us spend time together all day doing practically nothing. It was much needed rest and it was fun just talking and watching tv and movies together!

My Questions or Concerns: I have my glucose test Friday at my Doctor's appointment. Which basically means I get to drink a disgusting, overly sugary drink and wait an hour to get blood drawn to see if I have gestational diabetes. Well, actually, to see if I "fail" that test and if so, I have to come back and do a three hour test to see if actually have it or not. I'm worrying myself sick about this and I don't even know why. I guess I'm scared of having to be overly conscious of everything I put in my mouth and having to give myself shots of insulin, yikes! So praying all goes well Friday!

Goals for the Week: Find something to wear to these upcoming events, one wedding in October, one in November, and my super fun couples baby shower that is Kentucky Derby themed!  I'm going to a friends house to plunder through her maternity clothes tomorrow so hoping to find some goodies! It's so hard to find decently priced, dressy maternity clothes or dresses. Or maybe I just hate spending the money because I won't wear them for very long! :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

23 weeks pregnant!

Once again, late at posting this, but at least I'm not skipping a week completely! :)

Baby Growth: This week, Kynslie is measuring in at about 12 inches and weighs just a little over a pound, but she's probably bigger now because she weighed 1 pound, 1 ounce at our last visit a few weeks ago. Her brain is also starting to develop a little more this week. The area that controls emotions (the cerebrum) is now rapidly forming. This means that our little girl is learning to feel things like hunger, thirst, sadness, fear, and even happiness. Her hair, skin, and eyes will all start to get their pigment this week. Also, her head is now proportioned to her body! Kynslie can also hear lots going on in there – she can hear my voice, the voices of those around me, my heart beat, and my tummy!


My Symptoms:  My back hurts constantly which obviously will probably not go away. And the spot on my right side still hurts bad too. It's become so hard for me to get comfortable, especially at work. It seems no matter which way I sit, lean back, stand up, I'm still not feeling great. The best I feel is when I get home at night and can lay back on the couch and stretch out.  

Weight: Still at a total of 16 pounds at 23 weeks. Still freaks me out, gaining that much but trying not to let it bother me!

Belly Pictures:

Gender: Girl, girl, girl!!!

Maternity Clothes: Starting to wear more of these now. Julia brought me a HUGE bin of clothes this week and it has been so fun going through them all! I love having friends who having shopping addicitons :) So, now I have many more shirts and things to chose from! I am really not a fan of the jeans with the elastic panel, I would much rather have the full panel that covers my entire belly. The other panel seems to cut into my hips and makes my stomach look more like a muffin top than a prego belly and makes me look bigger than I really am. Ughhhh for always being hippy!

I also finally upgraded to an old woman, grandma bra! It was getting unbearable to wear the wired push up style that I always have worn because it was cutting into that painful spot. So, I got a nice, comfy, big bra with bigger shoulder straps for extra support and no underwire. It's totally unattractive, but seriously, am I trying to be hot right now? I think not! Poor Merlin, haha :)

Movement:  WOW, this chick can move and kick! The movements are so much stronger now and almost take my breath away sometimes when she kicks me hard! It's so visible now from the outside and she makes my whole belly move, which is really cool to see! Shes still pretty low each time I feel her and I think she is kicking my bladder sometimes because I usually have to go potty right after she does that. It's still such a strange feeling but I'm loving every minute of it!

Sleep: Still pretty good, although I'm starting to wake up more on my back again and it is starting to make my belly hurt when I wake up that way. I'm also getting much hotter when I sleep so I've just been sleeping in panties only to make it more comfortable! :)

What I Miss: this seems to come up alot, but what I wouldn't give for a glass of horse creek blueberry wine right now! And a fully caffeinated cafe dulce from Ellianos!

What I’m Looking Forward To: Next weekend is my 10 year reunion so looking forward to hanging out with old friends, seeing the school again (its SO different now), and going to a football game! Also can't wait for the weekend after because we are going to go visit Myron and Christie in Athens and let Kynslie experience her first GA game! :)

Cravings: Thanks to my wonderful friend, Kim, I had to have some pretzel bites from the pretzel place in the mall! We were talking about it during the week and it got it my head and I couldn't stop thinking about them. I can't tell you how long it has been since I've had those but they were awesome!

Best Moment of the Week: Finally deciding on the color we are going to paint the dresser. We are going with the baby pink that will be on the accent wall. I was thinking about a hot pink, but I just really like the calming feeling I get with the soft grey and soft pink so I'm just going to do the bright pink in her curtains and accents so it's not on a big piece of furniture. I also bought the rest of her fabric and gave it to Kim, who has been the best and offered to make her curtains and crib skirt and all! We couldn't be more thankful for wonderful friends that do so much for us!

My Concerns or Questions: Nothing in particular. I do have my glucose test next week at my appointment and I'm slightly freaking out about it. I just pray everything comes back fine because I want to be as healthy as I can for my baby girl!

Goals for the Week: Enjoy my not to busy weekend and relax and rest some! The last couple of weeks at work have been crazy busy so I need the weekends to regain some energy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

22 weeks pregnant!

So....this is a day late (well, I just turned 23 weeks today, so not quite), this seems to be becoming a pattern! :)

Baby Growth: This week, Baby Kynslie is measuring about 11 inches long from head to foot and is almost a pound in weight (but she is actually already weighing in a little more than that!). This week, Kynslie starts putting a little meat on those bones and starts collecting body fat. Because she is starting to gain fat, I should start to feel movements more accurately. All of her reproductive organs are complete this week. If she has hair right now, it would be white because he hasn’t gotten his pigment in for it yet. This week, her facial features are pretty much completely developed, also.

My Symptoms: My back pain has returned! It makes me extrememly uncomfortable with whatever I am doing and I can get zero relief any position that I change to while I'm working and sitting in my chair. The same nerve pain on my right, upper side is still there and just as bad as ever! The only thing that feels good is when I lay down in bed.

Weight: We had our 22 week doctors appointment on Thursday and I am up a total of
16 pounds from my pre-prego weight! Ahhhhh! Apparently this is normal and my doctor didn't say anything about it, but these numbers I havent' seen in years just freak me out! I guess I better get used to it since I'm just going to keep getting bigger in months to come!

Belly Pictures:  I feel like my belly is finally starting to round out alot more than in has in weeks prior!


Gender: Still a girl!

Maternity Clothes: Still the same. I got a few pair of shorts from a friend at work last week so that has helped out on these hot days. I've also been wearing the skirts I bought and they are super comfy so they will be sticky around for a while! I wore all regular shirts except for one this week.

Movement: I can really feel her moving now! She normally moves ALOT in the morning around 9-10 and then again in the evenings when I get home from work. Most of her movement is still down low, around and under my belly button, which is where she has been the whole time practically (or during every ultrasound we have had). She is actually causing my whole stomach to already start moving. A few days ago it looked like something was poking up on the right side. Sometimes when she's just rolling around, not necessarily kicking, it makes my stomach flip a little becuase it's such a strange feeling. But,  I love watching my tummy moving as she moves. It's still so crazy to me to think there is a little human growing inside of me so feeling her and seeing her move is insane! But it has, by far, been my favorite part of pregnancy! I love it!

Sleep: I'm still enjoying my sleep, just need more of it! I still wake up on my back usually at one point during the night, but I'm able to roll back on my side and go back to sleep pretty quickly.

What I Miss: Just feeling comfortable throughout the day and not hurting all afternoon while I'm trying to work!

What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the room completely finished! Merlin plans to do this on his two weeks off from school at the end of the month. I'm just ready to see it all put together and I think it will make it that much more real for us! I'm also looking forward to the weekend because Myron and Christie are coming to visit so I get to hang out with my bro and sis all weekend!

Also, I'm entering a contest for a chance to win something free from an Etsy shop, so hoping I win to get some stuff for sweet baby girl!

Cravings: This is completely random, but those little candy corn pumpkins! I saw them at the store and had to buy some to have every now and then! They are SO good!

Best Moment of the Week: We had our 22 week doctor's appointment this week and had another ultrasound to try to see her better and get better pictures of her since she was so low and crunched up last time. Well...she is still crunched up like a pretzel! We could see her a little better but still didnt get any good profile pictures of her or anything! But the doctor measured her and she is 1 pound, 1 ounce and right on track for 22 weeks! Yay! This made me feel so good knowing she is developing just as she is supposed to! Here are a couple of her pictures from this visit!

This first one still kinda creeps me out because she is looking right at us so all you can really see is bones and eye sockets!


You can see her sweet little arm and hand really well in this one!

My Concerns or Questions: Nothing really since I got all my questions answer last week!

Goals for the Week: Keep figuring out exactly what I want to do with her nursery, as far as what I want to put on the walls and empty space we may have once her furniture is all put in!