Tuesday, October 9, 2012

27 weeks pregnant!

Baby Growth: This week, Kynslie is starting to open her eyes! Until now, her eyelids have been fused shut, but this week they start to open back up again. She is about 14.5 inches long and weighs about 2 lbs. Her hearing is now complete and the retina of his eyes have formed. Her eyes are also now pigmented.  Baby Kynslie's main goal in the womb now is gaining weight and developing her lungs. 

My Symptoms: I'm still getting really worn out when I do simple things I'm used to. I was cleaning the house this week and had to sit down and take 30 minutes to lay down and rest before even taking a shower.
I also went with some friends to the Luke Bryan concert this weekend and it completely wore me out. We didnt get home until super late because it took forever to get out of the parking lot and all day Sunday, I had a pounding headache and felt so sick. I guess it was my body's way of telling me I needed to chill out and rest and maybe I overdid it the night before! Here is Kynslie, me, Marie, and Casie tailgating for the concert!


Weight:  Haven't weighed this week but have my Doctor's appointment Friday so we will see!

Belly Picture:
Here she is in all her glory! Whoa big momma!!!

Gender: Girl! Although Merlin now has had the dream that we had her and she was a boy! Ahhh! These dreams are starting to freak me out!

Movement: She is definitely starting to move more throughout the day now! Saturday morning, I literally woke up because she was moving so much! And normally, she never moves until atleast mid morning!

Sleep:  Still sleeping good and hoping it stays that way!

What I Miss: Being able to hang like I used to!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Our first shower this weekend!!!! I'm so excited to see family and friends and shower our little girl! My sister has really been planning this for a long time and from what she has told me, she gone over and above what she needs to! But I can't wait to see everything she has done!

Cravings: Just hungry! No certain cravings still!

Best Moment of the Week: getting the nursery walls completeted! It was a long time coming and my sweet husband worked so hard to get them done and I am so proud of his work. It is more than what I imagined in my head! We also put her crib in her room this week and it's finally starting to look like a nursery, yay!

Questions or Concerns: Pretty good in this area, still the same ole things going on. Just excited to go to our appointment and see how she's measuring!

Goals for the Week: Start getting ideas for more things to put in her nursery, like wall art and things like that. Also, start on our next project, her dresser!

1 comment:

  1. Looking so pretty sista! Excited to see you and hope you have fun at the shower..I know I will!
