Monday, July 2, 2012

13 weeks pregnant!

So glad I finally made it to the 2nd trimester!!! It seemed like the first trimester drug on forever! This week was so exciting! A friend of ours that owns The Bump asked us if we would be willing to come in at 13 weeks and 14 weeks to help her see the changes that take place from 13-15 weeks and be able to compare. So, of course, any chance to see our little one and I jump at the opportunity! We went on Thursday, on our lunch break, and it was so awesome to see the baby actually moving around, kicking, and turning! The last time we saw the baby was at 9 weeks (when it just looked like a peanut) so this was a huge change! Our baby is definitely an active little one so it was hard to get a good still shot. It was still too early to determine the gender but we were excited just to be able to see our little Baby Paulk! Here are a couple of pictures we got of the baby while we were there, it's upside down, so head is down and the little arm is coming across the front. 

This is another shot of our sweet baby!

Baby Growth: Baby is now about 3 inches long and about the length of a peach!  Our sweet little one now has finger prints and even may be starting to sprout a little hair.  If baby is a girl, she already has about 2 million eggs in her tiny ovaries.  He/She can now put his/her thumb in their mouth and may start to suck it soon.  Both the nose and lips are done developing this week.  The baby is also starting to form the voice box, even though it won't be used for about 7 more months.  

My Symptoms: I cut back to half a Zofran this week and I seemed to do fine with that! So yesterday and today, I tested it out again and did not take anything and overall, I've felt great! I'm so excited! I got a little bit nauseated yesterday afternoon but I think it's because I did not eat much for lunch and needed a snack. After I ate something, I felt fine again. Here's hoping that stage is over! I'm not going to take the Zofran anymore this week and see how it goes! I had some major sinus pressure around my left cheek yesterday and behind my left eye, but that felt better when I woke up this morning too. I'm still blowing my nose every five minutes but I'll take that over nausea any day! I'm feeling like I'm slowly getting some energy back also. I'm still tired at the end of the day but nothing like I was feeling a few weeks ago! So things are definitely looking up!

Weight: I didn't weigh this week, so I'm not sure! I'll got to the Doctor on Friday so I'll be able to get an accurate read of how much I've gained so far, yikes!

Belly Pictures: My awesome sista and brother in law came to hang out this weekend and did my updated belly pics! I love these! We are so blessed to have such talented family members that do such sweet things for us and the baby!

Gender: I still don't necessarily have a "feeling" either way. I still am hoping for a girl but don't have any feelings. Merlin is really feeling like it is a girl, though! Yay! We will know for sure in 2 weeks!!!!

Maternity Clothes: I broke down and bought some maternity capris this week that have the full belly band and I'm so glad I did because they are SO comfortable! I can still wear my shorts, but still have to use the hair tie trick. No maternity shirts yet, though!

Movement: I felt something a couple of nights ago and I wasn't quite sure what it was! It was almost like a little tickle on my left side. I think it may have been the baby but then again, it may just have been gas. I'm ready to feel movement that there is no doubt is our little one!

Sleep: I still sleep good, but continue to get up once a night for a potty break! I'm still pretty comfortable on my stomach or side right now! 

What I Miss: Not even gonna lie, I miss WINE!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Seeing the baby again this week!!!! And our Doctors appointment on Friday to confirm everything is going right on track!

Cravings: Still loving some sweets! A few friends told me this is typical for a girl, so we shall see!

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Seeing our precious baby and watching it move around and kick its little legs! I wish I could see this everyday!

My Concerns and Questions: Nothing in particular! I felt so great after seeing our baby this week, that it suppressed any fears I was having!

Goals for the Week: Enjoy relaxing and having a day off this week for the 4th!


  1. I can't wait to find out for sure that Baby P is a girl!! I hope all goes well with your experiment of no Zofran this week-just keep it in your purse just in case!

  2. When I was pregnant with jord, all of a sudden I just gravitated to pink thinks, I was never a pink person. I just wanted to be surrounded by it and a few weeks later I found out she was a girl :) for any nauseou try lemons! Real lemons not artificial! Try luigi Italian ice in lemon! It will cool you down and really help your stomach :)
