Tuesday, November 6, 2012

31 weeks pregnant!

Baby Growth: This week, Kynslie is measuring in at about 16 inches long and about 3.3 lbs (about the size of a pineapple!), and she is heading into a growth spurt. She can now turn her head from side to side.  She’s still going through major brain and nerve development. Her irises now react to light, and all five of her senses are in working order (although she won’t use his sense of smell until she is born)


My Symptoms: This week, I've just been tiring out alot easier. I feel like she has really popped out so much more within the last week. My tummy has finally gotten to that majorly firm and tight point and when she pokes and stretches out, it can be painful in some points.  It's also hard to get in a good, deep breath lately. I seem to huff and puff when I'm doing simple things or just walking distances.

Weight:So excited that I only gained 1 pound the last week and a half! Woohoo! So total is up to 26 pounds, uughhhh

Belly Pictures:

And here is the big ole belly at 31 weeks!

Gender: Sweet little girl

Maternity Clothes: Pretty much all maternity except for tshirts and dresses, which I'm still just wearing mediums and larges in. Most of my scrub tops are getting too tight or mostly too short to cover this growing belly! So glad the formal events I had to go are over now because it was so hard finding something that looked decent to wear!

Movement: She is still moving all the time! She is getting where she will practically wrap around my side, it must be with her feet, but it hits something that really hurts so I try to push her back the other direction!

Sleep: Still sleeping good except for turning from side to side all during the night. But once I wake up to turn, I can always go right back to sleep so it's not been bothering me too much. My hips will start hurting if I lay on one side for too long and then it can be a little painful to flip.

What I Miss: Easily being able to get up and down from the floor or the couch. I feel like an old, obese woman!

What I’m Looking Forward To: My shower this weekend!!!! I can't wait to have so many of my favorite people in the same room at the same time! I know all the hostesses have worked very hard getting everything together so I can't wait to see how it all turns out!

Cravings: Not really anything specific.

Best Moment of the Week: Going to the doctor Friday and hearing my UTI had cleared up! Yay! I did decide to take the medicine so I was glad that it worked!

Questions or Concerns: Talked with our midwife Friday about when we could induce if Kynslie doens't come on her own before 39 weeks and she informed me that her and Dr. Sharon will both be out of town the weekend before Christmas and until the Wednesday after. It freaked me out a bit because I am terrified of going into labor when they are not here! There is another Doctor on call obviously but I would be devastated not having my midwife or doctor that I am comfortable with to deliver her! So, she said she would start checking me at 36 weeks and working my membranes each week, if possible, to get her to maybe come on her own a little early. But if that doesn't work, then I just pray she waits until the Thursday after Christmas to make her appearance!

Goals for the Week: Finish organizing her nursery, especially after the shower this weekend, I'll probably need to re-organize a few times! But I don't mind because I love spending time in her nursery right now! :)

1 comment:

  1. You looked good in the photos, Whitney! I’m glad you didn’t have problems with the cravings. Pregnancy might be a little tough, but overall, it’s a very fulfilling experience. Fear is part of parenthood, but mostly it’s the happy feeling of having a child. Anyway, how was the delivery? I hope you are both healthy. Keep the blog updated. I look forward to seeing your new baby.

    Chelsea Leis
