Baby Growth: Baby Kynslie is over 4 lbs at this point and is over 17 inches long. She is growing like crazy this week and may grow up to an inch in length just this week alone! Her bones are starting to harden this week and she is also starting to keep her eyes open during the times that she is awake.

My Symptoms: I've started to really feel big pregnant this week. It's getting harder to do simple daily things like get up and down off the couch or floor, put my shoes on, and shave my legs. I seem to forget how big I've gotten because I still feel like I can slide in small places and then end of hitting something or someone wtih my belly. haha. My back has really started hurting during the night and when I first wake up in the morning. I've also been having Braxton Hicks contractions on and off. I get them alot when I turn sides during the night (which is constantly). Once I turn, my stomach just turns into a huge, tight knot. My midwife says this is a good thing, though, because my body is getting ready for the real deal and most likely will have contractions on its own without having to induce (fingers crossed!)
Weight: Up to a total of 30 pounds now, yuck!
Belly Pictures:
Here's the big ole belly!
Gender: All girl!
Maternity Clothes: I'm definitely in all maternity clothes now. For work, I've basically been in my work tshirts (thank goodness I ordered some mediums to cover this belly!) and jeans. I have a few scrub pants that still fit comfortably but those are becoming limited because when I sit down, they cut into the belly.
Movement: She's still moving alot. The midwife said that this will probably slow down over the next few weeks as shes getting bigger and having less room to spread out in there. She loves to poke her little feet out on my right side and it really takes my breath away most of the time. She likes to karate kick pretty hard and can be pretty painful! She's starting to move more up to my ribs but not to the point where its hurting....yet!
Sleep: This is beginning to get a lot more uncomfortable. I feel pretty good when I first lay down but as the night goes on, I wake up a million times to turn sides because my hip and back will be hurting. And it hurts badly to flip this big belly over, which normally leads to a contraction, ughhh!
What I Miss: Being comfortable and having energy to do simple things and having clothes to wear that don't make me look totally frumpy
What I'm Looking Forward To: Thanksgiving!!! Excited to be able to see and spend time with all of my fam and also eat too much of a yummy meal and actually not feel guilty about it for once, haha! We are also doing more maternity pics with our fave photogs for our Christmas cards, so I'm excited about those too!
Cravings: Still the sweets. I can't seem to get enough anymore!
Best Moment of the Week: Since I missed last week, I'll include that moment first, which was my shower! So many of my wonderful friends put in so much effort to make the shower so pretty and perfect for Kynslie and we are so blessed to be given so many gifts again to start her life! Here's all my lovely hostesses minus one, who was home with a sick, tiny baby.
This week- My birthday! It was probably the first year in many that I spent it doing absolutely nothing but sitting on the couch and watching tv with my sis, but I wouldn't have had it any other way! It was so nice to be able to relax! My parents cooked a wonderful birthday meal for me Thursday night and my mom bought me a prenatal massage. I got the massage on Saturday and it was A-MAZING!!!! I would highly recommend this to anyone who is pregnant because I was so relaxed and felt awesome afterward!
Questions or Concerns: Nothing I can think of. Ive been going to appointments every 2 weeks now so I seem to get all my questions answered pretty quickly!
Goals for the Week: Finish organzing Kynslies room with all the gifts we have been given! We bought a toy chest for her nursery and I defintiley want to get that put together and in her room by this week! Nursery is almost complete, yay!
Yayyy!!! You look great! I am so excited to hear about the braxton hicks -- not that I want you to be uncomfortable but because I am thrilled about little miss coming!! You are gorgeous -- belly and all :)
ReplyDeleteSo exciting that you only have a few weeks left!! You still seem to look amazing which is a little disturbing to me! haha jk
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing you again on Thurs and sneaking away for our last maternity session!