Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 weeks pregnant

This has been a fun week, starting to really see the baby growing and taking announcement pictures for when we finally release our news! Here's a look into my week 10 :)

Baby Growth: This week the baby is the size of a kumquat. Several different books and places, say the baby is measuring as different things. Some say prune, some say lime, but below is the picture of a kumquat, so we will just stick with that! The baby is starting to grow bones and cartilage this week. The liver and kidneys are formed and starting to function. The baby is starting to swallow amniotic fluid and is starting to produce urine. It’s thought that he/she might already be able to “taste” some different things that I eat through my amniotic fluid. Baby is also starting to form nails this week! 

My Symptoms
: I started taking my Zofran Tuesday and feel a million times better! I finally feel like a normal person again and can go about my work day without any problems. I have been taking it every day since because I'm scared now not to take it and feel like I have been the last 5 weeks. I did try not to take it this morning but I started getting dizzy and nauseous in the shower so that changed my mind really quickly! I have started getting super picky about what I will eat and things that I used to love, I can't even be around anymore! I'm still extremely exhausted everyday and if I'm able to get a small nap in, it makes me feel so much better. I have had mood swings lately too (Merlin can attest to this), it makes me feel bad when I'm snappy for no reason, but it's also very hard to control!

Weight: I honestly haven't weighed this week :) I guess I need to get a scale at home so I can keep up with this! 

Belly Pictures:  Yay! I love weekly pictures and seeing the baby growing! Please excuse the location of all these pictures. It is what we call our "office" (really, its just our junk room) and it is filthy and first on our list of things to clean to get ready for Baby P!

10 week belly pudge!!!!

Here is a front angle that you can really tell how its starting to stick out more than normal! Yikes!

Gender: Still don’t know. Obviously we want a healthy baby no matter what, but I'm still hopeful for a girl and Merlin is still hopeful for a boy! :) We plan to make our appointment  for when I am 15 weeks, so only about 4 and 1/2 more weeks, yay!

Maternity Clothes: I’m still in normal clothes, for now. However, my clothes are definitely starting to fit tighter, especially my jeans. This weekend, for the first time, I used the hair tie trick to keep my jeans fastened. I can still button them, but it just feels uncomfortable and puts pressure on my belly which I don't like. I'm going to search soon for a belly band to help with this and not have to worry about a hair tie all the time! Luckily, a friend of mine that was pregnant this time last year, lent me several looser shirts and some with an empire style waist that will help me hide the baby and be more comfortable for a few more weeks. 

Belly button: Still in and praying it stays that way!

Movement: Still nothing yet, I can't wait for this time to come but I'm sure it will still be several more weeks!

Sleep: Still about the same, I continue to be exhausted and normally fall asleep on the couch pretty early while Merlin is watching TV. I'm also still getting up once a night to use the bathroom. 

What I Miss: Feeling comfortable in my clothes!!!

What I’m Looking Forward To: Revealing the news!!!!! Only about a week and a half and we are going to officially announce and I can't wait! Also, feeling normal again and not being so tired, nauseated, moody all the time. 

Cravings: Last week I mentioned it was pizza and oh did that craving hit hard this week! On Wednesday, I wanted it so bad that I thought I smelled it in our garage when I got home from work! But Merlin had already cooked a Hawaiian crock pot chicken for us so I tried to fight it. Usually, I love that meal, but now I couldn't even stand smelling it cooking in the house, so I fixed myself a PB&J for dinner that night! Thursday, I finally got my wish and Merlin and I stuffed our faces with Pizza Hut and it was even better than I imagined! It is so funny because pizza is never anything that I want and I never eat it, but WOW was it good now! haha!

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Taking our announcement pictures with A-dawg and Misty! I can't wait to actually be able to post it! Yay!

My Concerns or Questions: Still getting that pain in my back, right above my butt, fairly constant now. I'm still thinking its the sciatic nerve, but I'm going to look into it a little bit more. 

Goals for the Week: Keep my house clean! I spent most of my day Friday cleaning it because it needed it so badly, and Merlin's brother and wife are coming to stay with us this weekend so I need to make sure it stays that way! And I need to get started on cleaning up the office/junk room! :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww thanks for the shout out! haha
    I can't wait for the news to be public so we can all talk about it!! So excited that baby P is growing-that's such a good sign :)
