Wednesday, September 19, 2012

24 weeks pregnant!

Baby Growth: This week Baby Kynslie is measuring in over a pound and right around 12 inches long. Sections of her lungs are expanding and starting to produce lung surfactant. This stuff helps keep the lungs from collapsing after birth/ This week she is also considered a viable baby. This means that if  she were to be born right now, she has a fairly good chance at survival (about 50%). Brain development is also starting to spike again this week and she is learning how to coordinate things like heart rhythm, breathing, kidney function, and circulation. This is also when she is starting to gain fat and putting on some cute little rolls. Eyebrows and eyelashes are also recognizable at this point. Hiccupping is getting more common and she is stretching often now. She is also starting to hear completely.
My Symptoms: This belly is definitely growing! It's getting harder for me to do common things that I'm used to like putting on my shoes. I have to sit down and cross my leg to put my tennis shoes on. I'm noticing discomfort too when I bend over to pick up a toy or something that a child drops on the floor at work.
I can now tell that work days seriously wear me out! By lunch time and early afternoon, I'm pretty spent. My back was hurting so bad today that Merlin had to bring my heating pad to my office to give me some relief! Any short breaks that I have in my day between patients, I try to lay down on our couch at the office and stretch out to feel good for a few minutes and finish my day. The most pain I deal with though, is still the nerve pain on my right side. It is really getting unbearable at the end of the day. It still doesn't matter how I reposition myself, nothing feels good unless I lay down or lift my right boob up (weird, I know, but these big girls don't help with the pressure they are putting on that spot!)

Weight: I weighed at the gym this morning and still showing up 16 pounds total.

Belly Pictures:


Gender: Sweet baby girl!

Maternity Clothes: Well the days of wearing my regular clothes are slowly coming to an end! I had a baby shower to go to this past weekend and I thought there would be no problem finding something to wear, I would just pull out my normal "shower dresses" and throw one on. Boy was I wrong! Clearly I haven't tried them on in a while because they were so tight across my chest and my belly and came up so short in the front that it was not a pretty sight! So, a maxi it was! I can still wear most of my scrubs but some are getting a little too snug and I've started pulling out my maternity scrub tops Kim gave me that she wore when she was pregnant. I bought a pair of skinny jeans and I've been getting good use out of those already, they are the most comfortable jeans that I have so far!

Movement: She is still definitely moving alot now! I'm starting to be able to feel body parts when shes moves and kicks. One side of my belly will get really hard and when I push in on it, you can tell it's her just hanging out. Normally she will poke or kick me back, so I guess I'm bothering her! But I absolutely love this feeling and watching her move around on the outside too, it's so amazing. Although she has been kicking pretty low this week and I think sometimes she steps on my bladder and I have to rush to the bathroom! haha!

Sleep: We have had to start turning the air down and I've been sleeping shirtless because I had been getting so hot. When I would wake up in the middle of the night to go potty, I would be drenched in sweat so something had to be done! Sleep is my favorite part of the day because I feel my best laying down in the bed with my big, comfy maternity pillow! I still wake up on my back, even when I'm not aware. Merlin woke up in the middle of the night this week and said that I was on my back, but he's so sweet and didnt' want to disturb me so he didn't wake me up to get me to turn (although I would like him to because it still freaks me out!).

What I Miss: Not hurting all afternoon at work! Its so hard to be overly energetic for my kiddos at work when I'm feeling that way so I'm defintiely ready for that to be back to normal!

What I’m Looking Forward To: We have our 10 year class reunion this weekend so that should be fun/interesting! Also looking forward to doing some couple maternity pics this weekend since our awesome photogs will be in town!

Cravings: Egg and cheese biscuit from Chick-fil-A!!!!! I literally battled with myself Saturday because I wanted one so bad but knew I didn't "need" it. So I went back and forth that morning until I finally just ate some plain, boring oatmeal at home. So, after my doctors appointment and glucose test this Friday, my reward will be Chick-fil-A breakfast! Yummmm!!!!

Best Moment of the Week: Spending all day Sunday relaxing with the hubs! We stayed home practically all day because our poor little pup was so sick and throwing up and wouldn't eat or drink and I was scared to leave him because he was so weak (which was my least favorite moment of the week). But it was nice because it made us spend time together all day doing practically nothing. It was much needed rest and it was fun just talking and watching tv and movies together!

My Questions or Concerns: I have my glucose test Friday at my Doctor's appointment. Which basically means I get to drink a disgusting, overly sugary drink and wait an hour to get blood drawn to see if I have gestational diabetes. Well, actually, to see if I "fail" that test and if so, I have to come back and do a three hour test to see if actually have it or not. I'm worrying myself sick about this and I don't even know why. I guess I'm scared of having to be overly conscious of everything I put in my mouth and having to give myself shots of insulin, yikes! So praying all goes well Friday!

Goals for the Week: Find something to wear to these upcoming events, one wedding in October, one in November, and my super fun couples baby shower that is Kentucky Derby themed!  I'm going to a friends house to plunder through her maternity clothes tomorrow so hoping to find some goodies! It's so hard to find decently priced, dressy maternity clothes or dresses. Or maybe I just hate spending the money because I won't wear them for very long! :)


  1. I hate that you're still having that nerve pain-just walk around holding your boob up! haha
    Your photogs are excited to see you this weekend, and we will have extra batteries this time! Can't wait to see what you find to wear to your reunion :)

  2. Just read your post every pregnancy has different Symptoms. when i was 24 weeks pregnant i feel too much hungry. You are looking amazing in this outfit.
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