Baby Growth: This week, Baby Kynslie is measuring about 11 inches long from head to foot and is almost a pound in weight (but she is actually already weighing in a little more than that!). This week, Kynslie starts putting a little meat on those bones and starts collecting body fat. Because she is starting to gain fat, I should start to feel movements more accurately. All of her reproductive organs are complete this week. If she has hair right now, it would be white because he hasn’t gotten his pigment in for it yet. This week, her facial features are pretty much completely developed, also.

My Symptoms: My back pain has returned! It makes me extrememly uncomfortable with whatever I am doing and I can get zero relief any position that I change to while I'm working and sitting in my chair. The same nerve pain on my right, upper side is still there and just as bad as ever! The only thing that feels good is when I lay down in bed.
Weight: We had our 22 week doctors appointment on Thursday and I am up a total of
16 pounds from my pre-prego weight! Ahhhhh! Apparently this is normal and my doctor didn't say anything about it, but these numbers I havent' seen in years just freak me out! I guess I better get used to it since I'm just going to keep getting bigger in months to come!
Belly Pictures: I feel like my belly is finally starting to round out alot more than in has in weeks prior!
Gender: Still a girl!
Maternity Clothes: Still the same. I got a few pair of shorts from a friend at work last week so that has helped out on these hot days. I've also been wearing the skirts I bought and they are super comfy so they will be sticky around for a while! I wore all regular shirts except for one this week.
Movement: I can really feel her moving now! She normally moves ALOT in the morning around 9-10 and then again in the evenings when I get home from work. Most of her movement is still down low, around and under my belly button, which is where she has been the whole time practically (or during every ultrasound we have had). She is actually causing my whole stomach to already start moving. A few days ago it looked like something was poking up on the right side. Sometimes when she's just rolling around, not necessarily kicking, it makes my stomach flip a little becuase it's such a strange feeling. But, I love watching my tummy moving as she moves. It's still so crazy to me to think there is a little human growing inside of me so feeling her and seeing her move is insane! But it has, by far, been my favorite part of pregnancy! I love it!
Sleep: I'm still enjoying my sleep, just need more of it! I still wake up on my back usually at one point during the night, but I'm able to roll back on my side and go back to sleep pretty quickly.
What I Miss: Just feeling comfortable throughout the day and not hurting all afternoon while I'm trying to work!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the room completely finished! Merlin plans to do this on his two weeks off from school at the end of the month. I'm just ready to see it all put together and I think it will make it that much more real for us! I'm also looking forward to the weekend because Myron and Christie are coming to visit so I get to hang out with my bro and sis all weekend!
Also, I'm entering a contest for a chance to win something free from an Etsy shop, so hoping I win to get some stuff for sweet baby girl!
Cravings: This is completely random, but those little candy corn pumpkins! I saw them at the store and had to buy some to have every now and then! They are SO good!
Best Moment of the Week: We had our 22 week doctor's appointment this week and had another ultrasound to try to see her better and get better pictures of her since she was so low and crunched up last time. Well...she is still crunched up like a pretzel! We could see her a little better but still didnt get any good profile pictures of her or anything! But the doctor measured her and she is 1 pound, 1 ounce and right on track for 22 weeks! Yay! This made me feel so good knowing she is developing just as she is supposed to! Here are a couple of her pictures from this visit!
This first one still kinda creeps me out because she is looking right at us so all you can really see is bones and eye sockets!
You can see her sweet little arm and hand really well in this one!
My Concerns or Questions: Nothing really since I got all my questions answer last week!
Goals for the Week: Keep figuring out exactly what I want to do with her nursery, as far as what I want to put on the walls and empty space we may have once her furniture is all put in!
I wish there was something I could suggest for all the aches and pains! Not much help there I guess :( Have fun with kate & wills this weekend..maybe you can get the royal spa treatment!