Wednesday, May 30, 2012

8 weeks pregnant

8 Weeks Pregnant

I am SO EXCITED to be starting these weekly pregnancy posts!  Hopefully you'll enjoy following along in this journey with me! This is a day overdue but I'll catch back up this week!

Baby Growth:  This week, the baby is the size of a raspberry.  Even though I can't feel it yet, the baby is just starting to move all around!  The baby is starting to grow tiny fingers and toes on it's hands and feet.  The tail is just about gone, and eyelids almost completely cover the eyes.  The baby will also get it's upper lip and the tip of it's nose this week!

My Symptoms:  Nausea is pretty bad, it comes and goes throughout the day and the night. I have yet to determine a remedy for it, it strikes even when I eat and don't eat.  I haven't actually gotten sick just feel so blah and have difficulty showering and getting ready as I have to sit down at all times.  I've been having moments where I really don't feel that bad, and then moments where I feel terrible.  I still get extremely tired and love the days that I can sneak in a nap.  When I get extremely tired, my stomack seems to pooch out and start hurting so now that we are done with all our busy travels, I plan to take it easier on myself. 

Weight:  2 pounds heavier than when I first found out! O.M.G.

Gender:  No idea.  Actually, the baby should be starting to form his or her "parts" this week and next. 

Maternity Clothes:  None yet.  I will admit though, I'm starting to get a pretty noticeable pooch already, especially at night and after I eat.

Belly button:  In. 

Movement:  Not yet - still too early!

Sleep:  I need MORE of this! I'm having to get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. I need to start going to bed earlier since we are still getting up early to hit the gym.

What I Miss:  Being able to run and do cardio! I feel like I'm gaining weight faster by not being able to do this! Also, having a glass of wine when I'm stressed out or had a long day :)

What I'm Looking Forward To:  our first doctors appointment Friday and being able to finally see our baby! I never made it past week 8 with the two previous pregnancies and never actually got to see the babies so it's going to be an emotional/exciting day for us!

Cravings:  None yet. I have had a few aversions to things I used to love like cold crab dip and bean dip. Just smelling it now makes me nauseous.
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week:  This is really a couple weeks ago, but being able to tell our fam!

My Concerns or Questions:  Obviously I'm still going to be nervous until I hit 12 weeks.  Just have questions for the doctor to make sure everything is going right on track and the baby looks healthy!

Goals for the Week:  Rest as much as I can!!!

1 comment:

  1. Omg you got me with the ultrasound!! *tear
    Don't you worry sista, we're praying over here for Baby P to hang on tight!
