Thursday, August 23, 2012

20 weeks pregnant!

So...once again, I'm behind on my updates but atleast this time it's only a day! This week marked the halfway part in my pregnancy, yay! Kinda crazy because it seems like we were just finding out we were expecting! It has been a crazy week to say the least. After getting a brand new laptop a couple weeks ago, our air conditioner decided to go out twice in one week, our sink started leaking, and our printer has now stopped working...we are getting to know the phrase "when it rains, it pours" all too well! We are just continuing to pray that God will provide everything we need for this baby and I'm trying not to stress about anything because I know it will only be harmful to her!
Baby Growth: Baby P is about 10 inches long from her head to her feet which is about the length of a carrot. She also should weigh about 10.5 oz.  She’s been able to hiccup for about 4 weeks now, but it’s becoming more common and I may even start to feel it soon. Right now, Baby P is averaging about 18 hours per day of sleep and 6 hours per day of awake time.

This picture still measures crown to rump - which is why the length is different than what I posted above.

My Symptoms:
Overall, feeling pretty good. I do still have this random pain right below where my bra hits and it hurts really bad. It's not an internal pain, but outside on my skin. It seems to be where my stomach has not poked out at the top yet, but at the line where it starts to pop out toward the bottom. So its like my skin dents in a little and by the end of the day, the only thing that feels comfortable is me strecthing completely out or holding up my boob, haha. My energy level is still pretty good, which is a good thing becuase my schedule at work has gotten busier!
Weight: Haven't weighed this week, but I go back to the Doctor next Friday for our 22 week visit and we will see then. So as of right now, its still 10 pounds total.

Belly Pictures:


Gender: She's still all girl! And we are getting closer to finally having her name picked out, yay!

Maternity Clothes: I'm still able to wear most of my scrubs, regular shirts, and dresses.  But pants definitely have to be maternity! I really need to invest in some maternity shorts because none of mine fit anymore and it gets so hot wearing capris and sometimes I just don't feel like dressing up in skirts and dresses!

Movement: It is finally getting so much stronger! I feel her alot during the day and mostly at night, when I get home from work and lay down and rest. I can feel movement outside of my belly now and have even been able to see it a couple of times! Merlin finally felt her last week and I was so excited! But now, most of the time when I tell him she's moving and he sits and looks for a while, she stops moving! It's such an amazing feeling being able to feel her move around, definitely my favorite part of pregnancy so far!  
Sleep: My sleep is finally much better than it was! I think that pregnancy pillow has been a life saver! I still get up once a night to pee but I'm able to go back to bed pretty quickly.

What I Miss: Being able to get dressed quickly in whatever I want. I seem to go through about 5 outfits now before being pleased with the way I look in it!

What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery finished! Merlin started painting it this weekend (after we FINALLY got our AC fixed and it was cool enough in the house to do it) but he still has the accent wall to get done, which is the one I'm most excited about! We are doing three of the walls grey and the accent wall in white with pink chevron!!! (thats the plan, if we can pull it off, haha) I picked out some of her fabric this weekend too so I'm just really looking forward to everything coming together!
Here is a sneak preview of Daddy hard at work in her room!
I'm also looking forward to this weekend and spending time with all my family at my Addy bug's birthday party, can't believe she is turning 4! Where has the time gone???

Cravings: Nothing in particular this week, I'm just wanting to eat ALL the time!

Best Moment of the Week: Merlin getting to feel her kick! Well, technichally this happened at week 19, but since I had already updated, I'll still let it count this week!  I've been wanting him to be able to feel her like I can, so I was so excited and so was he!

My Concerns or Questions: Nothing really! Everything has been going great so far! We will get another ultrasound when we go next week since last time she was so low and all bunched up and we didn't get any good pictures of her. So, I'm just anxious to see her again and know she's developing normally like she should!

Goals for the Week: Getting the nursery painting finished so we can get the crib in there and start working on her bedding! We are also refinishing the dresser we bought and painting it a fun color, like pink! So I want to get started on that project this week too!

1 comment:

  1. Looking so cute-and I love watching Lola get bigger!! Can't wait to see her finished room...and no worries about her development, God has that all under control!
