Baby Growth:The baby is now about 8 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 8.5 oz. The baby is concentrating on brain growth and hair may be developing at this point. The baby is also starting to get covered in vernix – it’s basically a cheesy substance that covers the baby. This substance helps with delivery and protects the baby from all the water in the womb. Baby is now drinking lots and lots of amniotic fluid. Right now – the baby averages sleeping about 18 hours per day and is awake for about 6 hours a day.
My Symptoms: I am feeling a million times better than the first trimester! I don't have any more nausea and have my energy back...for the most part. I get pretty worn out at the end of the day and want to do nothing but relax on the couch when I get home from work! I have been getting pretty intense back pain during the day, mostly from lunch on, but it almost feels better to stand and work than to sit down. I've been laying back on a heating pad when I get home from work and that definitely helps with the pain!
I still have random mood swings and cry over things that are ridiculous and not even worth it and can't even explain why. Once again, poor Merlin, but he has been great at being supportive and letting me cry it out when I need to!
Weight: We had our doctor's appointment last week and I had gained 3 more pounds, so I've gained a total of 10 so far. The doctor seemed pleased with this weight gain so far, so that made me feel better!
Belly Pictures: Since I've been so far behind, here our my pictures from 18 and 19 weeks!
Gender: The doctor confirmed at our ultrasound last week that is defintiely still all girl! yay!
Maternity Clothes: Still able to fit into most of my shirts and dresses, but definitely have to wear all maternity for jeans, capris, or shorts!
Movement: I can feel her SO much more now and I definitely know what is her and whats not now! It's honestly the most amazing feeling in the world and makes me feel so great to know she is doing ok! The feelings are still pretty light, like a thump or a rolling feeling every now and then but it's definitely still there. I'm so ready for Merlin to be able to feel her from the outside!
Sleep: This has gotten much better since I've started using my sister's maternity pillow. I sleep facing it with it between my legs and then another pillow underneath my back. I still wake up a good bit becuase I'm uncomfortable and readjust, but it's still better than it was.
What I Miss: Honestly, I'm missing wine! I haven't really thought too much about it lately but then a few night ago, Merlin had a glass with dinnner and I wanted one so bad!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery painted so we can get our furniture in it! We were so blessed and found a friend of a friend that is selling their crib, mattress, changing table and dresser all for $250!!!! It's only 2 years old and still in great condition so we just may have to touch it up a little and it saves us so much money! We are SO thankful and we get to pick it up Friday! Yay!
Cravings: This is so incredibly random but a few days ago I craved an egg and cheese bagel like it was nobody's business! I detoured on my way to one of my patient's houses that day to go see if Metro Bagel was still open (I haven't been in years so thought I would at least try) but they aren't open anymore! I was totally let down but I did buy some blueberry bagels for the house this week, yumm! :)
Best Moment of the Week: Well, technically, this was last week but since I missed my update, I'll still use it! Our ultrasound last week! I just love being able to see our sweet baby girl! Although she was so incredibly low and curled up in a small ball so we werent' able to get any good pictures of her so the doctor said he would do another ultrasound next month so we could get a better view of her! But he told us she is developing completely normal and all her organs are just the way they should be right now!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery painted so we can get our furniture in it! We were so blessed and found a friend of a friend that is selling their crib, mattress, changing table and dresser all for $250!!!! It's only 2 years old and still in great condition so we just may have to touch it up a little and it saves us so much money! We are SO thankful and we get to pick it up Friday! Yay!
Cravings: This is so incredibly random but a few days ago I craved an egg and cheese bagel like it was nobody's business! I detoured on my way to one of my patient's houses that day to go see if Metro Bagel was still open (I haven't been in years so thought I would at least try) but they aren't open anymore! I was totally let down but I did buy some blueberry bagels for the house this week, yumm! :)
Best Moment of the Week: Well, technically, this was last week but since I missed my update, I'll still use it! Our ultrasound last week! I just love being able to see our sweet baby girl! Although she was so incredibly low and curled up in a small ball so we werent' able to get any good pictures of her so the doctor said he would do another ultrasound next month so we could get a better view of her! But he told us she is developing completely normal and all her organs are just the way they should be right now!
We also finally picked out our paint colors this week so I can't wait for Merlin to get started on it!
My Concerns or Questions: Nothing right now because the doctor told use everything looked great with her last week!
Goals for the week: Get the nursery painted so we can have somewhere to put all her furniture on Friday! And start hunting around for fabric for her bedding and curtains!
My Concerns or Questions: Nothing right now because the doctor told use everything looked great with her last week!
Goals for the week: Get the nursery painted so we can have somewhere to put all her furniture on Friday! And start hunting around for fabric for her bedding and curtains!
Exciting things going on in the Paulk house!! Can't believe how your tummy is showing-it seemed like it was taking forever! Looking so good sista!!